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Rotation and Flipping

Rotation and Flipping screenshot

Last Updated: Oct 6th, 2024

Here we'll be rotating and flipping an arrow image.
/* Class Prototypes */
class LTexture
    //Symbolic constant
    static constexpr float kOriginalSize = -1.f;

    //Initializes texture variables

    //Cleans up texture variables

    //Loads texture from disk
    bool loadFromFile( std::string path );

    //Cleans up texture
    void destroy();

    //Draws texture
    void render( float x, float y, SDL_FRect* clip = nullptr, float width = kOriginalSize, float height = kOriginalSize, double degrees = 0.0, SDL_FPoint* center = nullptr, SDL_FlipMode flipMode = SDL_FLIP_NONE );

    //Gets texture dimensions
    int getWidth();
    int getHeight();

    //Contains texture data
    SDL_Texture* mTexture;

    //Texture dimensions
    int mWidth;
    int mHeight;
Our rendering function will be taking in additional arguments, namely the degrees of rotation, an SDL_FPoint to represent point the image will rotate around, and an SDL_FlipMode that will define how to flip the image.
void LTexture::render( float x, float y, SDL_FRect* clip, float width, float height, double degrees, SDL_FPoint* center, SDL_FlipMode flipMode )
    //Set texture position
    SDL_FRect dstRect = { x, y, static_cast( mWidth ), static_cast( mHeight ) };

    //Default to clip dimensions if clip is given
    if( clip != nullptr )
        dstRect.w = clip->w;
        dstRect.h = clip->h;

    //Resize if new dimensions are given
    if( width > 0 )
        dstRect.w = width;
    if( height > 0 )
        dstRect.h = height;

    //Render texture
    SDL_RenderTextureRotated( gRenderer, mTexture, clip, &dstRect, degrees, center, flipMode );
Our rendering function takes in the additional arguments and passes them to SDL_RenderTextureRotated, which is like SDL_RenderTexture only it can also rotate and flip a texture.
            //The quit flag
            bool quit{ false };

            //The event data
            SDL_Event e;
            memset( &e, 0, sizeof( e ) );

            //Rotation degrees
            double degrees = 0.0;

            SDL_FlipMode flipMode = SDL_FLIP_NONE;
Before we enter the main loop, we're going to declare and initialize variables to define the degrees of rotation and the current flip mode.
                    //On key press
                    else if( e.type == SDL_EVENT_KEY_DOWN )
                        switch( e.key.key )
                            //Rotate on left/right press
                            case SDLK_LEFT:
                            degrees -= 36;
                            case SDLK_RIGHT:
                            degrees += 36;

                            //Set flip mode based on 1/2/3 key press
                            case SDLK_1:
                            flipMode = SDL_FLIP_HORIZONTAL;
                            case SDLK_2:
                            flipMode = SDL_FLIP_NONE;
                            case SDLK_3:
                            flipMode = SDL_FLIP_VERTICAL;
To make the arrow image rotate, we'll use the left/right keys. If you're wondering why adding degrees makes it rotate clockwise when you're used to having positive rotation be in the counter clockwise direction, remember that the Y axis is inverted so this also means the rotation is inverted.

To switch between the different flip modes, we use the 1, 2, and 3 keys.
                //Fill the background white
                SDL_SetRenderDrawColor( gRenderer, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF );
                SDL_RenderClear( gRenderer );

                //Define center from corner of image
                SDL_FPoint center = { gArrowTexture.getWidth() / 2.f, gArrowTexture.getHeight() / 2.f };

                //Draw texture rotated/flipped
                gArrowTexture.render( ( kScreenWidth - gArrowTexture.getWidth() ) / 2.f, ( kScreenHeight - gArrowTexture.getHeight() ) / 2.f, nullptr, LTexture::kOriginalSize,  LTexture::kOriginalSize, degrees, ¢er, flipMode );

                //Update screen
                SDL_RenderPresent( gRenderer );
Here we draw the arrow texture with our rotation and flipping variables passed in. The thing to note here is how the center point is defined. The center point is relative to the position of the image. Since the position of the image is at the top left, if we want to rotate around the center of the image we need to pass in the point of rotation as x = image width / 2 and y = image height / 2. If we wanted to rotate around the bottom right corner, the point of rotation would be x = image width and y = image height.

Addendum: Decoupling rendering code

As I mentioned in the previous tutorial, this method of rendering is made to be easy to read as opposed to flexible.

In real appplication, I would have something like this (I would probably use dedicated math vector classes instead of SDL classes though):
class Transform2D
    /*Yada yada yada*/
    SDL_FPoint mPosition;
    double mDegrees;
    double mScaleX, mScaleY;

class SpriteDef
    /*Yada yada yada*/
    LTexture* mTexture;
    SDL_FPoint mOrigin;
    SDL_FRect* mClip;

class GameObject
    /*Yada yada yada*/
    Transform2D mTransform;
    SpriteDef mSpriteDef;
And to draw everything I would iterate over the objects with a for loop and draw them. In most game engines, the texture class would just have the texture data and the actual rendering function would be separate. That's because objects don't render themselves, they just have the data they need to be rendered by something else. This allows you to decouple the rendering data from the rendering algorithms which is important for 3D engines because you'll need to use the rendering data for multiple render passes.

This can also be useful in 2D engines. However, this is going to make your code more complex. For a Nasty Tetris Project, it may make your code needlessly complex because you don't have much to draw and are probably not going to do anything the needs rendering data/algorithm decoupling. If you just need to a small game finished quickly, direct rendering is good enough.