Lazy Foo' Productions

Conclusion to Introduction to OpenGL

Last Updated: Aug 9th, 2012

Where to Go From Here

If I did my job right
  • OpenGL won't be as intimidating as an API to use.
  • You know enough to make a 2D application with OpenGL.
  • You should also be able to start learning OpenGL in 3D (hint: learn what the depth buffer does).
  • You won't need to use the fixed function pipeline anymore.

Now I send you on your way. Two sites that have helped me personally are Learning Modern 3D Graphics Programming and OpenGL 3 and 4 with GLSL. They use the modern programmable pipeline for their tutorials and they cover all sort of subjects.

If you haven't beef up your vector/matrix math, make sure to get on that. There are no shortcuts, you're going to make sure your mathmatics background is strong to be an effective graphics programmer.

OpenGL as an API has oceanic depth and a 36 tutorial set isn't enough cover what it can go in good enough detail. Hopefully now you managed to get off the ground which is the hardest part when learning OpenGL.