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GLSL Font screenshot

Last Updated: Oct 19th, 2014

Before we used alpha textures to render our fonts, but OpenGL 3.0+ does not support alpha textures. Using some GLSL trickery, we can treat a single color channel texture as like an alpha texture.
From LFontProgram2D.glvs
//Transformation Matrices
uniform mat4 LProjectionMatrix;
uniform mat4 LModelViewMatrix;

#if __VERSION__ >= 130

//Vertex position attribute
in vec2 LVertexPos2D;

//Texture coordinate attribute
in vec2 LTexCoord;
out vec4 texCoord;


//Vertex position attribute
attribute vec2 LVertexPos2D;

//Texture coordinate attribute
attribute vec2 LTexCoord;
varying vec4 texCoord;


void main()
    //Process texCoord
    texCoord = vec4( LTexCoord.s, LTexCoord.t, 0.0, 1.0 );
    //Process vertex
    gl_Position = LProjectionMatrix * LModelViewMatrix * vec4( LVertexPos2D.x, LVertexPos2D.y, 0.0, 1.0 );
Our vertex shader for our GLSL font render is pretty much the same as with the textured polygon program. This makes sense since when we render text we're still rendering textured quads.
From LFontProgram2D.glfs
//Texture Color
uniform vec4 LTextColor;
uniform sampler2D LTextureUnit;

#if __VERSION__ >= 130

//Texture coordinate
in vec4 texCoord;

//Final color
out vec4 gl_FragColor;


//Texture coordinate
varying vec4 texCoord;


void main()
    //Get red texture color
    vec4 red = texture( LTextureUnit, );
    //Set alpha fragment
    gl_FragColor = vec4( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, red.r ) * LTextColor;
While alpha textures are not supported, 8bit textures of pure red, green, and blue are. So what we're going to do is load the alpha texture as a red texture, and then in the fragment shader you see here we'll be using the red component to set the alpha value of the fragment.
From LFontProgram2D.h
        void setTextColor( LColorRGBA color );
        Pre Condition:
         -Bound LFontProgram2D
        Post Condition:
         -Updates shader program textured polygon color
        Side Effects:

        void setTextureUnit( GLuint unit );
        Pre Condition:
         -Bound LFontProgram2D
        Post Condition:
         -Updates shader program multitexture unit
        Side Effects:

        //Attribute locations
        GLint mVertexPos2DLocation;
        GLint mTexCoordLocation;

        //Coloring location
        GLint mTextColorLocation;

        //Texture unit location
        GLint mTextureUnitLocation;

        //Projection matrix
        glm::mat4 mProjectionMatrix;
        GLint mProjectionMatrixLocation;

        //Modelview matrix
        glm::mat4 mModelViewMatrix;
        GLint mModelViewMatrixLocation;
The LFontProgram2D class pretty much functions the same as the textured polygon shader. For the sake of avoiding typos, note that this class has a setTextColor() function as opposed to a setTextureColor() function.
From LFontProgram2D.cpp
bool LFontProgram2D::loadProgram()
    //Generate program
    mProgramID = glCreateProgram();

    //Load vertex shader
    GLuint vertexShader = loadShaderFromFile( "35_glsl_font/LFontProgram2D.glvs", GL_VERTEX_SHADER );

    //Check for errors
    if( vertexShader == 0 )
        glDeleteProgram( mProgramID );
        mProgramID = 0;
        return false;

    //Attach vertex shader to program
    glAttachShader( mProgramID, vertexShader );

    //Create fragment shader
    GLuint fragmentShader = loadShaderFromFile( "35_glsl_font/LFontProgram2D.glfs", GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER );

    //Check for errors
    if( fragmentShader == 0 )
        glDeleteShader( vertexShader );
        glDeleteProgram( mProgramID );
        mProgramID = 0;
        return false;

    //Attach fragment shader to program
    glAttachShader( mProgramID, fragmentShader );

    //Link program
    glLinkProgram( mProgramID );

    //Check for errors
    GLint programSuccess = GL_TRUE;
    glGetProgramiv( mProgramID, GL_LINK_STATUS, &programSuccess );
    if( programSuccess != GL_TRUE )
        printf( "Error linking program %d!\n", mProgramID );
        printProgramLog( mProgramID );
        glDeleteShader( vertexShader );
        glDeleteShader( fragmentShader );
        glDeleteProgram( mProgramID );
        mProgramID = 0;
        return false;

    //Clean up excess shader references
    glDeleteShader( vertexShader );
    glDeleteShader( fragmentShader );

    //Get variable locations
    mVertexPos2DLocation = glGetAttribLocation( mProgramID, "LVertexPos2D" );
    if( mVertexPos2DLocation == -1 )
        printf( "%s is not a valid glsl program variable!\n", "LVertexPos2D" );
    mTexCoordLocation = glGetAttribLocation( mProgramID, "LTexCoord" );
    if( mTexCoordLocation == -1 )
        printf( "%s is not a valid glsl program variable!\n", "LTexCoord" );

    mTextColorLocation = glGetUniformLocation( mProgramID, "LTextColor" );
    if( mTextColorLocation == -1 )
        printf( "%s is not a valid glsl program variable!\n", "LTextColor" );

    mTextureUnitLocation = glGetUniformLocation( mProgramID, "LTextureUnit" );
    if( mTextureUnitLocation == -1 )
        printf( "%s is not a valid glsl program variable!\n", "LTextureUnit" );

    mProjectionMatrixLocation = glGetUniformLocation( mProgramID, "LProjectionMatrix" );
    if( mProjectionMatrixLocation == -1 )
        printf( "%s is not a valid glsl program variable!\n", "LProjectionMatrix" );

    mModelViewMatrixLocation = glGetUniformLocation( mProgramID, "LModelViewMatrix" );
    if( mModelViewMatrixLocation == -1 )
        printf( "%s is not a valid glsl program variable!\n", "LModelViewMatrix" );

    return true;
As you can see not much has changed. Most of the work is done in the fragment shader.
From LTexture.h
        static LTexturedPolygonProgram2D* mTexturedPolygonProgram2D;

        GLuint powerOfTwo( GLuint num );
        Pre Condition:
        Post Condition:
         -Returns nearest power of two integer that is greater
        Side Effects:

        void initVBO();
        Pre Condition:
         -A valid OpenGL context
         -A loaded member texture
        Post Condition:
         -Generates VBO and IBO to use for rendering
        Side Effects:
         -Binds NULL VBO and IBO

        void freeVBO();
        Pre Condition:
         -A generated VBO
        Post Condition:
         -Frees VBO and IBO
        Side Effects:

        //Texture name
        GLuint mTextureID;

        //Current pixels
        GLuint* mPixels32;
        GLubyte* mPixels8;

        //Pixel format
        GLuint mPixelFormat;

        //Texture dimensions
        GLuint mTextureWidth;
        GLuint mTextureHeight;

        //Unpadded image dimensions
        GLuint mImageWidth;
        GLuint mImageHeight;

        //VBO IDs
        GLuint mVBOID;
        GLuint mIBOID;
On the outside, the LTexture class looks largely the same as before.
From LTexture.cpp
bool LTexture::loadTextureFromFile32( std::string path )
    //Texture loading success
    bool textureLoaded = false;

    //Generate and set current image ID
    ILuint imgID = 0;
    ilGenImages( 1, &imgID );
    ilBindImage( imgID );

    //Load image
    ILboolean success = ilLoadImage( path.c_str() );

    //Image loaded successfully
    if( success == IL_TRUE )
        //Convert image to RGBA
        success = ilConvertImage( IL_RGBA, IL_UNSIGNED_BYTE );
        if( success == IL_TRUE )
            //Initialize dimensions
            GLuint imgWidth = (GLuint)ilGetInteger( IL_IMAGE_WIDTH );
            GLuint imgHeight = (GLuint)ilGetInteger( IL_IMAGE_HEIGHT );

            //Calculate required texture dimensions
            GLuint texWidth = powerOfTwo( imgWidth );
            GLuint texHeight = powerOfTwo( imgHeight );

            //Texture is the wrong size
            if( imgWidth != texWidth || imgHeight != texHeight )
                //Place image at upper left
                iluImageParameter( ILU_PLACEMENT, ILU_UPPER_LEFT );

                //Resize image
                iluEnlargeCanvas( (int)texWidth, (int)texHeight, 1 );

            //Create texture from file pixels
            textureLoaded = loadTextureFromPixels32( (GLuint*)ilGetData(), imgWidth, imgHeight, texWidth, texHeight );

        //Delete file from memory
        ilDeleteImages( 1, &imgID );

        //Set pixel format
        mPixelFormat = GL_RGBA;

    //Report error
    if( !textureLoaded )
        printf( "Unable to load %s\n", path.c_str() );

    return textureLoaded;
Naturally, RGBA texture loading hasn't changed.
From LTexture.cpp
bool LTexture::loadPixelsFromFile8( std::string path )
    //Free texture data if needed

    //Texture loading success
    bool pixelsLoaded = false;

    //Generate and set current image ID
    ILuint imgID = 0;
    ilGenImages( 1, &imgID );
    ilBindImage( imgID );

    //Load image
    ILboolean success = ilLoadImage( path.c_str() );

    //Image loaded successfully
    if( success == IL_TRUE )
        //Convert image to grey scale
        success = ilConvertImage( IL_LUMINANCE, IL_UNSIGNED_BYTE );
        if( success == IL_TRUE )
            //Initialize dimensions
            GLuint imgWidth = (GLuint)ilGetInteger( IL_IMAGE_WIDTH );
            GLuint imgHeight = (GLuint)ilGetInteger( IL_IMAGE_HEIGHT );

            //Calculate required texture dimensions
            GLuint texWidth = powerOfTwo( imgWidth );
            GLuint texHeight = powerOfTwo( imgHeight );

            //Texture is the wrong size
            if( imgWidth != texWidth || imgHeight != texHeight )
                //Place image at upper left
                iluImageParameter( ILU_PLACEMENT, ILU_UPPER_LEFT );

                //Resize image
                iluEnlargeCanvas( (int)texWidth, (int)texHeight, 1 );

            //Allocate memory for texture data
            GLuint size = texWidth * texHeight;
            mPixels8 = new GLubyte[ size ];

            //Get image dimensions
            mImageWidth = imgWidth;
            mImageHeight = imgHeight;
            mTextureWidth = texWidth;
            mTextureHeight = texHeight;

            //Copy pixels
            memcpy( mPixels8, ilGetData(), size );
            pixelsLoaded = true;

        //Delete file from memory
        ilDeleteImages( 1, &imgID );

        //Set pixel format
        mPixelFormat = GL_RED;

    //Report error
    if( !pixelsLoaded )
        printf( "Unable to load %s\m", path.c_str() );

    return pixelsLoaded;
As you can see, alpha texture loading hasn't changed much either. We just set the pixel format to red as opposed to alpha.
From LSpriteSheet.h
//Sprite drawing origin
enum LSpriteOrigin

class LSpriteSheet : public LTexture
        Pre Condition:
        Post Condition:
         -Initializes buffer ID
        Side Effects:

        Pre Condition:
        Post Condition:
         -Deallocates sprite sheet data
        Side Effects:

        int addClipSprite( LFRect& newClip );
        Pre Condition:
        Post Condition:
         -Adds clipping rectangle to clip array
         -Returns index of clipping rectangle within clip array
        Side Effects:

        LFRect getClip( int index );
        Pre Condition:
         -A valid index
        Post Condition:
         -Returns clipping clipping rectangle at given index
        Side Effects:

        bool generateDataBuffer( LSpriteOrigin origin = LSPRITE_ORIGIN_CENTER );
        Pre Condition:
         -A loaded base LTexture
         -Clipping rectangles in clip array
        Post Condition:
         -Generates VBO and IBO to render sprites with
         -Sets given origin for each sprite
         -Returns true on success
         -Reports to console is an error occured
        Side Effects:
         -Member buffers are bound

        void freeSheet();
        Pre Condition:
        Post Condition:
         -Deallocates member VBO, IBO, and clip array
        Side Effects:

        void freeTexture();
        Pre Condition:
        Post Condition:
         -Frees sprite sheet and base LTexture
        Side Effects:

        void renderSprite( int index );
        Pre Condition:
         -Loaded base LTexture
         -Generated VBO
        Post Condition:
         -Renders sprite at given index
        Side Effects:
         -Base LTexture is bound
         -Member buffers are bound

        //Sprite clips
        std::vector<LFRect> mClips;

        //VBO data
        GLuint mVertexDataBuffer;
        GLuint* mIndexBuffers;
The LSpriteSheet class is back and on the outside it hasn't changed much.
From LSpriteSheet.cpp
void LSpriteSheet::renderSprite( int index )
    //Sprite sheet data exists
    if( mVertexDataBuffer != NULL )
        //Set texture
        glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, getTextureID() );

        //Enable vertex and texture coordinate arrays

            //Bind vertex data
            glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, mVertexDataBuffer );

            //Set texture coordinate data
            mTexturedPolygonProgram2D->setTexCoordPointer( sizeof(LTexturedVertex2D), (GLvoid*)offsetof( LTexturedVertex2D, texCoord ) );

            //Set vertex data
            mTexturedPolygonProgram2D->setVertexPointer( sizeof(LTexturedVertex2D), (GLvoid*)offsetof( LTexturedVertex2D, position ) );

            //Draw quad using vertex data and index data
            glBindBuffer( GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, mIndexBuffers[ index ] );
            glDrawElements( GL_QUADS, 4, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, NULL );

        //Disable vertex and texture coordinate arrays
Again since we're doing 100% shader based rendering, the sprite sheet class uses the textured polygon shader. This is easy to do since a LSpriteSheet is an LTexture through inheritance.
From LFont.h
        //Class wide program
        static LFontProgram2D* mFontProgram2D;

        //Font TTF library
        static FT_Library mLibrary;

        //Spacing variables
        GLfloat mSpace;
        GLfloat mLineHeight;
        GLfloat mNewLine;
The LFont class now has a class wide shader object it uses.
From LFont.cpp
//LFont library
FT_Library LFont::mLibrary;

//Class wide program
LFontProgram2D* LFont::mFontProgram2D = NULL;

bool LFont::initFreeType()
    //Init FreeType for single threaded applications
    #ifndef __FREEGLUT_H__
        FT_Error error = FT_Init_FreeType( &mLibrary );
        if( error )
            printf( "FreeType error:%X", error );
            return false;

    return true;

void LFont::setFontProgram2D( LFontProgram2D* fontProgram2D )
    //Set rendering program
    mFontProgram2D = fontProgram2D;
And of course it needs a function to set the class wide object.
From LFont.cpp
bool LFont::loadBitmap( std::string path )
    //Loading flag
    bool success = true;

    //Background pixel
    const GLubyte BLACK_PIXEL = 0x00;

    //Get rid of the font if it exists

    //Image pixels loaded
    if( loadPixelsFromFile8( path ) )
        //Get cell dimensions
        GLfloat cellW = imageWidth() / 16.f;
        GLfloat cellH = imageHeight() / 16.f;

        //Get letter top and bottom
        GLuint top = cellH;
        GLuint bottom = 0;
        GLuint aBottom = 0;

        //Current pixel coordinates
        int pX = 0;
        int pY = 0;

        //Base cell offsets
        int bX = 0;
        int bY = 0;

        //Begin parsing bitmap font
        GLuint currentChar = 0;
        LFRect nextClip = { 0.f, 0.f, cellW, cellH };

        //Go through cell rows
        for( unsigned int rows = 0; rows < 16; ++rows )
            //Go through each cell column in the row
            for( unsigned int cols = 0; cols < 16; ++cols )
                //Begin cell parsing

                //Set base offsets
                bX = cellW * cols;
                bY = cellH * rows;

                //Initialize clip
                nextClip.x = cellW * cols;
                nextClip.y = cellH * rows;

                nextClip.w = cellW;
                nextClip.h = cellH;

                //Find left side of character
                for( int pCol = 0; pCol < cellW; ++pCol )
                    for( int pRow = 0; pRow < cellH; ++pRow )
                        //Set pixel offset
                        pX = bX + pCol;
                        pY = bY + pRow;

                        //Non-background pixel found
                        if( getPixel8( pX, pY ) != BLACK_PIXEL )
                            //Set sprite's x offset
                            nextClip.x = pX;

                            //Break the loops
                            pCol = cellW;
                            pRow = cellH;

                //Right side
                for( int pCol_w = cellW - 1; pCol_w >= 0; pCol_w-- )
                    for( int pRow_w = 0; pRow_w < cellH; pRow_w++ )
                        //Set pixel offset
                        pX = bX + pCol_w;
                        pY = bY + pRow_w;

                        //Non-background pixel found
                        if( getPixel8( pX, pY ) != BLACK_PIXEL )
                            //Set sprite's width
                            nextClip.w = ( pX - nextClip.x ) + 1;

                            //Break the loops
                            pCol_w = -1;
                            pRow_w = cellH;

                //Find Top
                for( int pRow = 0; pRow < cellH; ++pRow )
                    for( int pCol = 0; pCol < cellW; ++pCol )
                        //Set pixel offset
                        pX = bX + pCol;
                        pY = bY + pRow;

                        //Non-background pixel found
                        if( getPixel8( pX, pY ) != BLACK_PIXEL )
                            //New Top Found
                            if( pRow < top )
                                top = pRow;

                            //Break the loops
                            pCol = cellW;
                            pRow = cellH;

                //Find Bottom
                for( int pRow_b = cellH - 1; pRow_b >= 0; --pRow_b )
                    for( int pCol_b = 0; pCol_b < cellW; ++pCol_b )
                        //Set pixel offset
                        pX = bX + pCol_b;
                        pY = bY + pRow_b;

                        //Non-background pixel found
                        if( getPixel8( pX, pY ) != BLACK_PIXEL )
                            //Set BaseLine
                            if( currentChar == 'A' )
                                aBottom = pRow_b;

                            //New bottom Found
                            if( pRow_b > bottom )
                                bottom = pRow_b;

                            //Break the loops
                            pCol_b = cellW;
                            pRow_b = -1;

                //Go to the next character
                mClips.push_back( nextClip );

        //Set Top
        for( int t = 0; t < 256; ++t )
            mClips[ t ].y += top;
            mClips[ t ].h -= top;

        //Create texture from parsed pixels
        if( loadTextureFromPixels8() )
            //Build vertex buffer from sprite sheet data
            if( !generateDataBuffer( LSPRITE_ORIGIN_TOP_LEFT ) )
                printf( "Unable to create vertex buffer for bitmap font!\n" );
                success = false;
            printf( "Unable to create texture from bitmap font pixels!\n" );
            success = false;

        //Set texture wrap
        glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, getTextureID() );

        //Set spacing variables
        mSpace = cellW / 2;
        mNewLine = aBottom - top;
        mLineHeight = bottom - top;
        printf( "Could not load bitmap font image: %s!\n", path.c_str() );
        success = false;

    return success;
Font loading hasn't changed much, which makes sense since shader programs handle rendering.
From LFont.cpp
void LFont::renderText( GLfloat x, GLfloat y, std::string text, LFRect* area, int align )
    //If there is a texture to render from
    if( getTextureID() != 0 )
        //Draw positions
        GLfloat dX = x;
        GLfloat dY = y;

        //If the text needs to be aligned
        if( area != NULL )
            //Correct empty alignment
            if( align == 0 )

            //Handle horizontal alignment
            if( align & LFONT_TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT )
                dX = area->x;
            else if( align & LFONT_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTERED_H )
                dX = area->x + ( area->w - substringWidth( text.c_str() ) ) / 2.f;
            else if( align & LFONT_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT )
                dX = area->x + ( area->w - substringWidth( text.c_str() ) );

            //Handle vertical alignment
            if( align & LFONT_TEXT_ALIGN_TOP )
                dY = area->y;
            else if( align & LFONT_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTERED_V )
                dY = area->y + ( area->h - stringHeight( text.c_str() ) ) / 2.f;
            else if( align & LFONT_TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOM )
                dY = area->y + ( area->h - stringHeight( text.c_str() ) );

        //Move to draw position
        mFontProgram2D->leftMultModelView( glm::translate<GLfloat>( glm::mat4(), glm::vec3( dX, dY, 0.f ) ) );

        //Set texture
        glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, getTextureID() );

        //Enable vertex and texture coordinate arrays

        //Bind vertex data
        glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, mVertexDataBuffer );

        //Set texture coordinate data
        mFontProgram2D->setTexCoordPointer( sizeof(LTexturedVertex2D), (GLvoid*)offsetof( LTexturedVertex2D, texCoord ) );

        //Set vertex data
        mFontProgram2D->setVertexPointer( sizeof(LTexturedVertex2D), (GLvoid*)offsetof( LTexturedVertex2D, position ) );

            //Go through string
            for( int i = 0; i < text.length(); ++i )
                if( text[ i ] == ' ' )
                    mFontProgram2D->leftMultModelView( glm::translate<GLfloat>( glm::mat4(), glm::vec3( mSpace, 0.f, 0.f ) ) );

                    dX += mSpace;
                else if( text[ i ] == '\n' )
                    //Handle horizontal alignment
                    GLfloat targetX = x;
                    if( area != NULL )
                        if( align & LFONT_TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT )
                            targetX = area->x;
                        else if( align & LFONT_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTERED_H )
                            targetX = area->x + ( area->w - substringWidth( &text.c_str()[ i + 1 ] ) ) / 2.f;
                        else if( align & LFONT_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT )
                            targetX = area->x + ( area->w - substringWidth( &text.c_str()[ i + 1 ] ) );

                    //Move to target point
                    mFontProgram2D->leftMultModelView( glm::translate<GLfloat>( glm::mat4(), glm::vec3( targetX - dX, mNewLine, 0.f ) ) );

                    dY += mNewLine;
                    dX += targetX - dX;
                    //Get ASCII
                    GLuint ascii = (unsigned char)text[ i ];

                    //Update position matrix in program

                    //Draw quad using vertex data and index data
                    glBindBuffer( GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, mIndexBuffers[ ascii ] );
                    glDrawElements( GL_QUADS, 4, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, NULL );

                    //Move over
                    mFontProgram2D->leftMultModelView( glm::translate<GLfloat>( glm::mat4(), glm::vec3( mClips[ ascii ].w, 0.f, 0.f ) ) );
                    dX += mClips[ ascii ].w;

        //Disable vertex and texture coordinate arrays
Even in the font rendering function, all were doing is switching from sending the data to the fixed function pipeline to our own shader program.
From LUtil.cpp
//Screen dimensions
LFRect gScreenArea = { 0.f, 0.f, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT };

//Textured polygon shader
LTexturedPolygonProgram2D gTexturedPolygonProgram2D;

//Loaded texture
LTexture gOpenGLTexture;
LColorRGBA gImgColor = { 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.f };

//Font shader
LFontProgram2D gFontProgram2D;

//Loaded font
LFont gFont;
LColorRGBA gTextColor = { 1.f, 0.5f, 1.f, 1.f };
At the top of LUtil.cpp, we declare our shader and media objects.
From LUtil.cpp
bool loadGP()
    //Load textured shader program
    if( !gTexturedPolygonProgram2D.loadProgram() )
        printf( "Unable to load textured polygon program!\n" );
        return false;

    //Bind textured shader program

    //Initialize projection
    gTexturedPolygonProgram2D.setProjection( glm::ortho<GLfloat>( 0.0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, 0.0, 1.0, -1.0 ) );

    //Initialize modelview
    gTexturedPolygonProgram2D.setModelView( glm::mat4() );

    //Set texture unit
    gTexturedPolygonProgram2D.setTextureUnit( 0 );

    //Set program for texture
    LTexture::setTexturedPolygonProgram2D( &gTexturedPolygonProgram2D );

    //Load font shader program
    if( !gFontProgram2D.loadProgram() )
        printf( "Unable to load font rendering program!\n" );
        return false;

    //Bind font shader program

    //Initialize projection
    gFontProgram2D.setProjection( glm::ortho<GLfloat>( 0.0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, 0.0, 1.0, -1.0 ) );

    //Initialize modelview
    gFontProgram2D.setModelView( glm::mat4() );

    //Set texture unit
    gFontProgram2D.setTextureUnit( 0 );

    //Set program for font rendering
    LFont::setFontProgram2D( &gFontProgram2D );

    return true;
Here we're loading our two shader programs. Remember that in order to update a program's variables, it has to be currently bound.
From LUtil.cpp
void render()
    //Clear color buffer
    glClear( GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT );

    //Bind texture rendering program

    //Reset transformations
    gTexturedPolygonProgram2D.setModelView( glm::mat4() );

    //Render texture centered
    gTexturedPolygonProgram2D.setTextureColor( gImgColor );
    gOpenGLTexture.render( ( SCREEN_WIDTH - gOpenGLTexture.imageWidth() ) / 2.f, ( SCREEN_HEIGHT - gOpenGLTexture.imageHeight() ) / 2.f );

    //Bind font rendering program

    //Reset transformations
    gFontProgram2D.setModelView( glm::mat4() );

    //Render text centered
    gFontProgram2D.setTextColor( gTextColor );
    gFont.renderText( 0.f, 0.f, "GLSL Text Rendering!", &gScreenArea, LFONT_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTERED_H | LFONT_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTERED_V );

    //Update screen
In the render() function we bind the textured polygon shader, set its modelview matrix and then render the texture.

Then we bind the font shader, update its modelview matrix (even though they have the same names in their shaders, they are seperate programs), and render the text.