Setting up SDL Extension Libraries on Code::Blocks 13.12
Last Updated: Feb 2nd, 2015
1) Open up your SDL 2 project and go to project properties.
2) In order to compile SDL 2 code, we have to tell the compiler to link against the libraries. Go under Linker Settings and paste
into the other linker options field after -lSDL2 and click OK. If you were setting up SDL_ttf, you'd put
If you get an error where the linker complains about a bunch of undefined references, it means you messed up this step.
3) Now go download the source for lesson 06. Add the source file inside to your project.
Now build. Now you may get an error saying it can't find SDL_image.h. For linux, we'll have to include the SDL headers like this:
For SDL_ttf and SDL_mixer, we have to include them like this:
Now that you have the extension library compiling, it's time to go onto part 2 of the tutorial.

2) In order to compile SDL 2 code, we have to tell the compiler to link against the libraries. Go under Linker Settings and paste
into the other linker options field after -lSDL2 and click OK. If you were setting up SDL_ttf, you'd put
and you'd put -lSDL2_mixer
for SDL_mixer.
3) Now go download the source for lesson 06. Add the source file inside to your project.
Now build. Now you may get an error saying it can't find SDL_image.h. For linux, we'll have to include the SDL headers like this:
For SDL_ttf and SDL_mixer, we have to include them like this:
Now that you have the extension library compiling, it's time to go onto part 2 of the tutorial.